First Hawaii Physician to Offer the “Madonna Lift” Laser Eyelid Lift

Dr. Melanie Tantisira offers free consultations to listen to the patient’s goals, and then suggests the best course of action. Her goal is to help patients look their personal best with non-invasive procedures and treatments that require the least downtime. She offers a well-rounded, comprehensive system to rejuvenate youth: a combination of laser treatment, injectable therapies and skincare is custom designed for each patient.

Traveling to the mainland from Hawaii for training, Dr. Tantisira stays current on the latest techniques. These include the “Madonna Lift”, a non-surgical laser eye lift, and the “Y-Lift”, a non-surgical facelift, using a combination of dermal fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, and Radiesse. She has over 20 years experience with injectable therapies, and is well-known for her ability to treat patients with a gentle, artistic hand. Her experience guides her selection of which products work best for each patient, offering a natural, youthful result, instead of a drastic change.

For more information:

Or call: 808-591-9111

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